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Create an object BasinsObs from SAFRAN grid


createBasinsObs(files, dfMailles, cfg = loadConfig())



character containing list of NetCFD DRIAS2020 files to read for precipitation and evaporation and for both historical and RCP periods for a given climatic scenario


data.frame with correspondence between SAFRAN cells and intermediate basins


a config object. Configuration to use. See loadConfig for details


A list of class BasinsObs containing:

  • DatesR: POSIXt vector of dates required to create the GR model and CemaNeige module inputs

  • P: matrix containing precipitation in [mm per time step]. Column names correspond to node IDs

  • Temp: matrix containing mean temperature in [°C]. Column names correspond to node IDs

  • E: matrix containing potential evaporation in [mm per time step]. Column names correspond to node IDs